20110924 UT County Central Committee
This meeting was held at Mountain View High School. It was well announced and for Dave Acheson’s first significant sized meeting it was carried off well.
When Action Who What
9/26/2011 12:42:58 PM Call To Order Dave Acheson Welcome
9/24/2011 9:07:30 AM Prayer Peggy Burdett
9/24/2011 9:07:39 AM Pledge Jeff Alexander
9/24/2011 9:07:49 AM Speaker Dave Acheson “Agendas are proposed before we come to this meeting.
I want this meeting to end at Noon. The work that we do I want to be productive. As we have discussions and debate I want us to determine whether the comment that I want to make is something that I have to make.
I want you to be self reflective and respect the time. Now and in the future I want you to plan to be here until noon. That is the contract that I would like us to enter into. We know we will be here for 3 hours and we will be finished.
The other thing that I wanted to share while I have worked on this agenda this morning. I spoke with Dave Duncan this morning and we have allocated time to get things done.
We respect our legislators and we may not agree with them. They put in time and we should give them an opportutnity to address us.
We will only have one legislator give a report and we will give them 5 minutes. What we are doing is hear from Senator Bramble for 5 minutes and we will honor the hard work that they are doing for us.
Finally I want to say that it has been my pleasure to work with you. It has been wonderful.
I have asked Jeff Alexander to act as parliamentarian.”
9/24/2011 9:12:19 AM Motion Dave Acheson Proposed agenda
9/24/2011 9:14:07 AM Motion Move the balloting after the approval of the minutes
9/24/2011 9:16:28 AM Call the Question Aye unanimous
9/24/2011 9:17:33 AM Motion Adopt the amended agenda.
9/24/2011 9:18:10 AM Call the Question Aye unanimous
9/24/2011 9:19:17 AM Motion Acclamation of Audit committee candidates.
9/24/2011 9:21:03 AM Call the Question Aye
9/24/2011 9:22:06 AM Speaker Chris Shelley “I believe our rules are here to establish rules in our party so that the people can ..
Some changes are very deep though. Our values should not change and target a specific member of our party. We should enhance the rules to be open and transparent.
Some people say rules are in the way of business. I want to us to get to the point where no one questions delegate status or has a legal challenge.
Our party is one of honor and integrity. Do not sacrifice for the sake of honesty.”
9/24/2011 9:26:02 AM Speaker Dan Forward PR17 “I’m much like you. I am another delegate who was voted in as vice chair. I am not a political activist. I am a small business owner and software consultant. I am a businessman and want to promote Republican candidates. I prefer to be low key.
I am happy for you to not have to choose me as one of the people. I am certified with the National Association of Parliamentarians. I have a knack for details and would appreciate your consideration.”
9/24/2011 9:27:47 AM Candidate Kirby Glad “I am a precinct chair. That is the most important position in the party. We are more effective talking about strategy and what we are doing. We do have to have discussions about Bylaws but that is not the most important thing.
Many times we have argued about poorly written bylaws. I have been in the committee and was elected as chair. Before I was in the committee 70% of the proposals were sent back to committee because they were flawed.
None have been sent back since I have been chair.
Thank you.”
9/24/2011 9:29:30 AM Candidate Linda Housekeeper “I would like you to know that I have spent many years studying our C&B. Here are my copies that I have printed out of the other county bylaws.
I have served on the state central committee. I have sered within the party as leg chair.
My driving force has been fair and equal elections. When I noticed that our conventions weren’t helping us with fair elections, I submitted these changes in February 2010 and they have not been dealt with.
All propsoals should be given equal significance. It is not their role to squash proposals.”
9/24/2011 9:31:30 AM Candidate Norman Jackson “It is a pleasure to be with you. My brief bio is that I was recently on the Board of Appeals. I was Secraetay for a couple of terms. I have served as Garfield County attorney. I grew up with parents who were active in the party.
It is good to return as a past judge.
Working on a committee is difficult work but can be done. I have authored 800 case responses.”
9/24/2011 9:33:11 AM Candidate Paul Baltes “The first argument I ever heard was Nixon versus McGovern. I have learned from an early age that there are differences. I am a convert to Republicanism. I believe in the principles I believe in the principles of the Utah State and County constitution.
It would be my job to protect your voice.”
9/24/2011 9:34:17 AM Candidate Shaun Farr “I currently serve as Provo 45 chair. I am from Arizona. My experience is on the business side of things. I want to serve and solve problems. If I am elected I will listen to each of you. And I will listen to the populist and try and understand what you need.
I have been asked to run for this position and I am intered in helping as I can. Thank you.”
9/24/2011 9:35:42 AM Candidate Diane Christensen “I have to begin with a disclaimer. I appreciate the shout out from the paper slip that I am listed on. I hope you will not give credit or criticism for being on it.
I can bring the committee that I work hard on everything I do. I work well in committee settings. I don’t think we should cement our ideas until we hear all sides.
I am a writer and am persnickety about structure.
I believe in the rule of law. I believe in good laws and bylaws in order for peace.
I believe the C&B commttiee exists to serve and faciliate and bring proposals before you.”
9/24/2011 9:37:33 AM Candidate Sherrie Spencer “I appreciated the support but was unaware of the slate as well. I am a performance consultant in a Fortune 500 company. There is nothing like the USA. We have a majority of good and honest people. This keeps us safe, strong, and free.
We must have our own house in order. We need to receive guidance from above. As I have traveled the world they don’t have the same freedoms. I don’t want to be like other countries.
I will tell the truth. My job is to get you as much correct information to keep us strong. I will be facilitator and a servant for you.”
9/24/2011 9:39:14 AM Candidate Kristin Chevrier “I am 100% Republican. I also support our county platform. I have spent hours recruiting and campaigning. I have served as a precinct chair and vice chair and delegate.
I am now Leg chair and part of the central committee. I am working on making the process transparent and fair. The C&Bs are the foundation of the party. Everyting else in the party relies on that.
The best way to have … is to have good rules
I would appreciate your vote.”
9/24/2011 9:40:45 AM Candidate Lisa Shepherd “Just like a woman I enjoy getting the last word. You know my repruation for dedication and detail.
Better website and email. I want to take the party seriously. As a custodian and party officer who maintained the documents of the last 2 years. I know the history of our party. I have the ability to fix and find inconsistencies.
You can count on me to protect the founding documents including your right to bring proposals off the floor. I would not have your voice be out.
I love doing the detailed work of the party. I am Lisa Shepherd and I ask for your vote.”
9/24/2011 9:42:43 AM Motion Keri Witte “Accept Arturo Morales who credentialed after the period ended. Devar Smith as well.
Larry Hilton, Devar Smith and Arturo Morales.”
9/24/2011 9:43:49 AM Second
9/24/2011 9:44:21 AM Vote Ayes and Nays vocal
9/24/2011 9:44:34 AM Credential Jeremy Roberts 218 credentialed members.
9/24/2011 9:47:59 AM Ballot For C&B Committee members
9/24/2011 10:05:18 AM Information Dave Acheson Redistricting update meeting with Senate President Waddoups 9/29 7pm 8th floor Zion’s Bank in Provo.
9/24/2011 10:07:15 AM Information Lowell Nelson Two additional members arrived late. I would move that these 2 people be credentialed and allowed to vote.
9/24/2011 10:07:56 AM Information The balloting is closed but there are other procedures.
9/24/2011 10:08:44 AM Information Lowell Nelson There is also a Dan Hauser to add to the list.
9/24/2011 10:09:12 AM Vote Division – Standing vote and the ayes have it.
9/24/2011 10:10:14 AM Report Curt Bramble “Budget and Provo Utah was recognized as the fastest growing. Our budget was more optimistic a little while ago. We are doing all we can to relfect the principles.
Redistricting for Utah County. I have a sheet here with disenfranchisement list. We started with a plan in the Senate with 3 complete Utah County seats. 1 that had a small portion of 1.5 districts that were represented by Carbon, Sanpete and Tooele and Salt Lake.
In the end we have gotten 5 districts though and in getting our 5 districts there are districts that go over county lines. This is like splitting ward and school district boundaries.
A Senate district is 95,000. Provo has one district but it will now include a portion of Orem and Wallsburg. Our priorities were 5 Utah County seats and keep communities together. We wanted to recognize that South had been represented from Carbon. We got everything we were looking for.”
9/24/2011 10:13:38 AM Report Becky Lockhart “I brought some large maps for the House. If you want to look at the base map please do not look at the district numbers. I represent 64 but the labeling is 57.
Look at the geography. I believe this will be the map that we will adopt except some minor skirmishes based on some streets.
I also just want to say that the House delgation from Utah County has been fabulous. Ken Sumsion has done so much work and spent so many hours. Rep Francis Gibson and myself also serverd on the committee.
Representative Sumsion also has 5 of the 6 maps that were adopted for the Congressional seats. You can give us some of your comments.
October 3 is a special session. Hopefully we will adopt.
You will also see deviation numbers for how far off the districts are from the perfect number.”
9/24/2011 10:16:17 AM Report “I commend you for being here. You have let some Democrats in but you need to keep electing Republicans.
My brother and his family have a motto that “”we do hard things.”” As we look at the federal level and where they don’t do things. The cause will come to the floor. All of our cash flow is taken by departments.
We are living on Chinese borrowed money.
…when you see the amount of money that comes to this state from federal money. Over $100 million comes through Pell grants to our schools. We must do without this money.
Republicans do hard things. We have stared the budget in the face. It will not be solved without sacrifice. Americans have said that they don’t want to lose entitleements.
Utah has become an oasis and we receive admiration from business leaders around the country.
We have some unemployement and problems here but compared to around the country we are remarkable.
We had the 15th best tax environment in the past. Now we are at 9th in reducing our tax burden. We understand to grow this economy we shouldn’t raise taxes to do it. As we grow the economy we will have sufficient funds.
I am delighted to be with you in this cause. Thank you very much.”
9/24/2011 10:20:32 AM Report Dan Hone “Audit committee report. It is important to understand the role. The committee chairman is part of the central and executive commtitee. The purvey is to monitor financial activities. The audit committee purpose is outlined as follows. To select firm and oversee report. This will then be presented to the Central committee.
The audit committee was asked to review the contributions which fall under the purvey of finanical matters.
I received the review and this is it . . .
Management is for maintaining information and our review is not an audit. In our review we believe that there is no material modification that needs to be made to the report.”
9/24/2011 10:25:18 AM Information Dave Acheson “It is now 10:25 and we have gotten a lot done in an hour and 25 minutes.
I propose that we return to Scott Bell’s report when he returns but we proceed with C&B items.”
9/24/2011 10:27:33 AM Report Kirby Glad “The first item is a survey that we are passing out right now.
This has been dealt with for 2 years now. We want as a committee to give you a chance at deciding this.
We have tried a lot of ways to propose the Ex Officio delegates. We are asking you for your opinion. In this way we can match what you want.”
9/24/2011 10:29:54 AM Question Why would we want them to be delegates?
9/24/2011 10:30:08 AM Report Kirby Glad We have gotten this information out before. I can’t go in to the details.
9/24/2011 10:32:54 AM Point of Order Peggy Burdett “I didn’t see references to the C&B things. The bylaws that anyone may submit bylaws. The information is to be provided in advance by at least 7 days.
I admittedly did not get anything from the party but from Kirby.
I need this to be”
9/24/2011 10:33:48 AM Comment Dave Acheson So, I am not certain what I can do. I am not going to address that point of order.
9/24/2011 10:34:22 AM Motion Peggy Burdett
9/24/2011 10:35:33 AM Report Kirby Glad I will present information and then take brief questions. Then we debate at which time Peggy can bring forward the motion.
9/24/2011 10:36:34 AM Point of Information I don’t want us to waste our time.
9/24/2011 10:36:45 AM Report Kirby Glad “I will try and move this forward. I personally emailed the proposals on Septebmer 4th and a couple of days ago. They have been available in print here as well.
The first item B128A and B128B.
The first proposal is to get rid of the “”beauty”” pageant portion of the voting. The two proposals to replace that system – A) Elect the people according to Senate districts. B) Elect them according to other districts.
Since they only have to run in a district they are able to get out fliers and contact people. The second option is that we create 22 districts.
Proposal A is perhaps off numerically but uses existing districts.
Proposal B is maintenance of new districts.”
9/24/2011 10:40:06 AM Motion Peggy Burdett Postpone consideration of all C&B items until next meeting
9/24/2011 10:41:37 AM Second
9/24/2011 10:43:33 AM Against “I speak against the motion. I don’t know if Kirby’s notification meets the notification requirements but I believe the spirit has been met. I believe that we should have it more clear in calls to meeting. We might consider this a referendum that the items should be sent out by the Executive.
If we have the time though we should discuss and deal with this now.”
9/24/2011 10:43:27 AM Favor Lisa Shepherd I know that we do not have email addresses right. We do not have 7 days notification of meeting or bylaw proposals.
9/24/2011 10:44:09 AM Point of Information Jeremy The steering committee voted and there was some confusion and I apologize on my part.
9/24/2011 10:44:32 AM Against “This issue has been kicked down the road again and after years. I think the committee has done a lot of work to propose and create surveys. I am sorry that you did not get notice.
Let’s deal with it now.”
9/24/2011 10:45:19 AM Point of Information Kristin Chevrier Are we voting on Ex Oficio?
9/24/2011 10:45:45 AM Favor “We just elected a committee of C&B people. We want to follow the rules in order for the progress be followed so that we don’t spend time haggling at the edges.
Bylaw number 1 says what is notice. Even a vote would put in question whether the Bylaws should be ignored. We can not choose to ignore bylaw.”
9/24/2011 10:46:58 AM Comment Kirby Glad The Bylaw requires that notice be given by any means (including email) and it does not specify who can give notice.
9/24/2011 10:47:27 AM Call the Question Delay all discussion of these issues.
9/24/2011 10:47:44 AM Vote No’s have it based on standing division.
9/24/2011 10:48:30 AM Comment We want that information to go back to the steering committee.
9/24/2011 10:48:50 AM Motion Kirby Glad “I will move B128A, then B128B as a substitution.
You can amend either one and discuss either one.”
9/24/2011 10:50:32 AM Point of Information We can only adopt one.
9/24/2011 10:52:39 AM Point of Information 128B would specify that the Steering Committee would create the districts.
9/24/2011 10:53:50 AM Question How are other counties electing these positions?
9/24/2011 10:54:03 AM Answer Kirby Glad They have the pageant model. They also provide a handout with picture. They do it by walking.
9/24/2011 10:54:26 AM Question With the pageant model you vote for whoever?
9/24/2011 10:54:44 AM Answer Kirby Glad You vote on all of the committee members. That is one of the disadvantages is that you only get to vote for 1 versus 20.
9/24/2011 10:55:35 AM Question What if we did a hybrid? We are allowed to bring forward a number of people.
9/24/2011 10:56:39 AM Answer Kirby Glad You could propose that as an amendment.
9/24/2011 10:57:09 AM Motion Kirby Glad Adopt B128A and move that we amend B128B.
9/24/2011 10:57:44 AM Favor Lowell Nelson “Delegates like you and me are responsible to decide who best represents our values. It is very difficult to interview 50-60 candidates to find the right view.
I found it difficult. In a senate district you can find those 5 that best represent you on the central committee.”
9/24/2011 10:58:54 AM Against “B128B so that A can be adopted.
Think of the executive committee that serves our county well. Each officer is elected by precinct officers.
Imagine if everone in the room voted for 50-60 people. To compare we have 29 senators that came from a pool of 90.
We each get one vote for 2 or 3. The state ctentral committee makes good decisions.”
9/24/2011 11:01:19 AM Against Taylor Oldroyd “The challenge is that the member represents the entire county.
The entire body should vote for each of the State Central Committee. I don’t want to trust the other Senate districts to represent me. I want to participate in that process. I don’t think we should abdicate.”
9/24/2011 11:03:03 AM Information
9/24/2011 11:08:59 AM Point of Order Lisa Shepherd State Central committee as county organization conventions. It is a county wide position.
9/24/2011 11:10:42 AM Call the Question Nay unanimous B128B
9/24/2011 11:11:50 AM Information Kirby Glad Voting on adopting B128A.
9/24/2011 11:12:13 AM Vote Nays have it.
9/24/2011 11:13:09 AM Division
9/24/2011 11:13:20 AM Point of Order Kirby Glad It can be a counted vote.
9/24/2011 11:13:55 AM Appeal Lowell Nelson Appeal the ruling of the chair. We want a counted vote.
9/24/2011 11:16:16 AM Vote “76 Favor; ? Against
Round 2 – stand and then sit – 88 Favor ; 85 Against – It passes”
9/24/2011 11:28:22 AM Point of Information Simple majority?
9/24/2011 11:28:57 AM Quorum Call Lisa Shepherd Standing results show we do have sufficient Chair and Vice Chair
9/24/2011 11:49:00 AM Results Diane Christensen, Kristin, Lisa, Kirby, Dan, Paul Baltes, Norman Jackson
9/24/2011 11:32:18 AM Motion We not adjourn until we complete all our items and extend our agenda.
9/24/2011 11:32:46 AM Second
9/24/2011 11:32:48 AM Vote
9/24/2011 11:34:24 AM Information Kirby Glad “We have provided an option that if someone gets enough signatures they can force an item to come forward from committee.
There is also a question about how many signatures it should take to get out of committee.
The first thing we can do is to fill in the blank and try and figure out what the number should be.
The first vote would be about what is in the B125B and we need to fill in the blank.”
9/24/2011 11:37:28 AM Question I want it to be a percentage and not a number. If we redistrict it would be confusing.
9/24/2011 11:38:21 AM Answer Kirby Glad We did not pick percentage because the number would change.
9/24/2011 11:42:43 AM Question Can we do this electronically?
9/24/2011 11:42:54 AM Answer Kirby Glad Depends on the secretary. There are questions of state law involved.
9/24/2011 11:45:01 AM Point of Information Friendly amendment. We only have 25% of the people here.
9/24/2011 11:45:28 AM Point of Information “We are trying to get the number.
100 stand ; 75 stand ; 50 stand ; 25 stand (not close)
49, 69, 170”
9/24/2011 11:50:04 AM Report Scott Bell “Budget report.
We do not have a finance officer to raise money. 2012 is a critical year with redistricing new seats, governor race.
We want to raise more money. Caucus night of $11,000 may be a little low. Last year we did $20,000. We hope to do better than that.
Check A Buck may be done away with.
Lincoln Day Dinner is $60,000 in and $20,000 out with an ROI of $40,000.
The highest budget item is candidate support. We want to get Republicans elected. The next highest item is publicity. We want to stay in first place.
We want to keep a good reputation.
The next highest item is Education and Training.”
9/24/2011 11:53:08 AM Question We would like to start at $15,000? Where are we?
9/24/2011 11:53:24 AM Answer Scott Bell We are at $20,000 now.
9/24/2011 11:53:38 AM Question How are we going to raise?
9/24/2011 11:53:46 AM Answer Dave Acheson I get to hit up Hatch, lobbyists and governor to get money in our coffers.
9/24/2011 11:54:04 AM Motion Scott Bell Approve agenda
9/24/2011 11:54:12 AM Second
9/24/2011 11:54:14 AM Vote Ayes have it.
9/24/2011 11:54:44 AM Motion Kirby Glad Suspend rules so we do’t have to debate and can move to vote.
9/24/2011 11:55:15 AM Second
9/24/2011 11:55:26 AM Vote Ayes have it.
9/24/2011 11:58:59 AM Motion Extend by 30 minutes.
9/24/2011 11:59:15 AM Adjourn Nay has it.
9/24/2011 12:01:08 PM Adjourn no vote