20120128 UT County Central Committee
This meeting was held at Dixon Middle School in Provo. It was an alright meeting. We spent 36 minutes to adopt the agenda; from 9:17 until 9:53 AM. Once we were done with that we were able to proceed to a debate on the key issue of the December 10th meeting and then able to vote.
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20111117 UT County Central Committee
This meeting was held at Orem High School in Orem. It was one of the less effective meetings I have attended. It did, however, provide some insights in to how frustrated some people are. I actually recorded a bit of video at the end. click here for video I don’t know whether it is a good thing to have this or not since it was so unpleasant for some.
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20110924 UT County Central Committee
This meeting was held at Mountain View High School. It was well announced and for Dave Acheson’s first significant sized meeting it was carried off well.
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20110920 Delegate allocation debate
This was held at Novell’s cafeteria in South Provo. There were only around 28 people there in the end. Either everyone is too busy to give time to debate and understanding this issue OR they have their positions and don’t feel the need to hear/learn anything more.
Discussing the 78 out of 687 delegates who are “automatic delegates” (11.3%)
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20110630 UT County Central Committee
This was a late announced meeting at the Thanksgiving Point Barn. There were not very many people in attendance, but it was a good chance to hear a first update on the County as well as to hear about redistricting.
At the end of the meeting we heard from 18 year old Andrew Justvig who gave an excellent speech on the American Dream. Read more
20110622 Redistricting Hearing (UT County)
This meeting was held in Provo to discuss Redistricting. The large committee attended and listened to everyone that had something to say. It was well done. Read more
20110618 Utah State Organizing Convention
The Utah State Republican Party Organizing convention was held at South Towne Convention Center. This was well attended for an “odd” year and people stayed until the very end. Read more
20110430 Utah County Organizing Convention
This Utah County Republican Party Organizing Convention was held at Timpview High School. It was well attended and the HB116 issue was debated. Read more
20110426 Utah County Officer candidates
I arrived a bit late to this meeting at the Wells Fargo Building in Provo, so I missed some of the other candidates opening statements. The closing statements were canceled to due to a lack of time. There were a number of people there, including Speaker Lockhart and Senator Bramble. It was a good chance to connect, but the format of the questions and answers (40 seconds for some questions) made it hard to really get to know the individuals.
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20110324 Rep. Chaffetz update
Campaign: This was a town hall meeting held at the Provo Library. Representative Chaffetz gave an introduction then had a question and answer period. He also took a little extra time at the end to show some slides and share his passionate concern about government waste. Read more